Michał Bernard Pietrzak , Mirosława Żurek , Stanisław Matusik , Justyna Wilk

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Migrations form the size and structure of human resources in regions. For that reason they have not only a demographic but also a social and economic character. The existing research is often not enough due to a spatial, temporary and also a multidimensional character of this occurrence.
The subject of this paper is to apply Structural Equation Modeling (SEM) concept for analysing the population migration phenomena considering the gravity model. This approach allows describing the social and economic situation in regions considering a set of correlated variables and it also allows determining its influence on migration flows.
The first part of the article describes the construction and interpretation of the gravity model and the concept of the SEM model. In the second part the adopted research procedure and the research scope are presented. In the last part, the results of the investigation are explained. The strength and direction of the impact of the socio-economic development on the migration flows between subregions (NUTS 3) in Poland in the years 2008-2010 are discussed.


internal migrations, gravity model, Structural Equation Modeling


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